Good morning, MME fans!
We have a little CHA dish for you this morning!!
We worked hard yesteday to get the booth ready...
See that cute bike?
It's covered in washi and we are giving it away in the booth today!
but don't worry, we also have PLENTY planned for those of you at home.
Today and tomorrow I will be live blogging CHA and there will be fun games and contests (both for those of you at home and for those of you at the show).
Here are the different places that you need to be following us in order to see all the contests.
Here on the blog (of course!)
If you are an Instagram and Twitter follower, be looking for #MMEatCHA posts and make sure to use that hashtag.
If you take photos at the show please use the hashtag as well. We want to see what you like!!!
And we also know...what do you want to see? Product photos? The people who visit our booth? We'd love to hear what you're interested in seeing.
Be back soon!