Happy September, friends of MME! We are so glad you are here today and we hope you all join in on September's first challenge!
The challenge is this. Document the end of summer.
Whether it be a layout, a card, a project, a mini, or another item...show us your thoughts on summer ending.
Shelly joined in this month and she chose to approach this challenge by doing a summary/glimpse of the past few months.
Supplies:Indie Chic-Ginger:pearls, Spice patterned paper,Damask patterned paper,Flourish patterned paper,twine;Indie Chic-Nutmeg:Checker patterned paper,Blooms patterned paper,Rainbow patterned paper,decorative tape;Indie Chic-Citron:Hibiscus patterned paper,Forest patterned paper,decorative tape;Indie Chic-Saffron:Daisy patterned paper
Close- up of left page:
Close-up of right page:
The rules are the same as always, and here they are:
1. The submission must look like a MME layout. In other words, use MME product. Enough to make it look like it is predomindantly MME.
2. The project must be created new for this challenge.
3. The winner will be announced on the day of the second September challenge (September 17).
4. The winner will win the MME collection of their choice.
5. Link your submission through the InLinkz tool at the end of this post.
Note: I will announce the BPC winner and the August challenge winner later today.
Have fun and good luck!